Creating Safe Environments

School Environment

Provides training, resources, and technical assistance in the establishment of a school/community environment that is physically and emotionally safe, well disciplined, and conducive to learning.

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School Resource Officers

School Resource Officers have day-to-day contact with students who are likely to require services from Student Assistance Programs. 

CDE School Resource Officers Information
California Schools Resource Officers' Association

Safe Spaces

Creating safe spaces for children within the foundations of Trauma-Informed Practices.

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Safe Routes to School

Create safe routes to school for your students. 

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Behavioral Intervention and Support

All 4 Youth is a partnership program between The Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health and Fresno County Superintendent of Schools for children and youth ages 0-22 experiencing difficulties that affect them at school and at home.

Visit All 4 Youth

Combating Fentanyl with Actions and Resources

The growing number of fentanyl overdoses is indeed a crisis among our youth, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond is calling on schools and partners to continue to do everything possible to braid together new and ongoing resources and programming to address this challenge. By working together, educators, health experts, community partners, and families can better provide the critical supports to help keep our students informed, healthy, and safe.

CDE - Combating Fentanyl
CDPH - Narcan Information

Child Abuse Prevention Training and Resources

Information on training and reporting requirements for mandated reporters, training guides and model practices for parents, families, and administrators, and technical assistance to promote child well-being and protection from abuse.

CDE - Child Abuse Prevention Training and Resources 
Fresno County - Report Child Abuse
Child Help Hotline

Comprehensive Safe Schools Plan

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Targeted Violence Prevention Task Force

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Safe Place

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Bullying & Cyberbullying Information

NASP - Bullying Prevention
CDE - Bullying Prevention Training & Resources

Essentials in School Facilities Safety

Principles in designing a safe school

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Visitor Management System

Visitor management systems for K-12 schools allow the site to screen visitors, check staff in and manage student attendance, all important tools when managing the campus population, especially in an emergency situation.